14 MARCH 2024
Exclusively and free for our members, we are collaborating with Vins-Clairs Wine importer to offer a limited amount of places on a masterclass with Antoine Gouffier @domainedubouchot who is leading the renaissance of Pouilly Fumé to hear his incredible story, philosophy, vision and for him to lead you through a tastings of his wines from Domaine du Bouchot.
Since his first vintage he was spotted by French critics. In January 2022 he was awarded “Discovery of the Year” by the French wine magazine “La Revue du Vin de France” with journalists stating “To reveal a new talent is even more exciting when you are in an appellation that drifts away from the heart of the wine drinkers and collectors: Pouilly Fumé”
Vins-Clairs is a wine importer and distributor founded in 2022 by Claire Thevenot MS.
Focused on French wines, each producer in Vins-Clairs @vins_clairs portfolio shares the same values and philosophy: deeply rooted in their land, respectful of the environment with strong family values. These are the pillars of who they are and what they do.
We have very limited places still available. If you are already a member, email info@uksommelieracademy.com to reserve your place or if you’re not, email the same address and become one!